Friday, 6 May 2016


What do you feel you have learnt in the progression from the preliminary task to full product?
Since the preliminary task, I have learnt how to make sure that my footage can be to the best of its ability. This meant that I had to be sure that the lighting was accurate and that all of shots are correct. Despite this the shots in this scene, was very shaky and blurry due to the fact that I had never used a camera like this before, and getting used to the shots was very difficult.

This had helped me to analyse what I needed to do to improve my final thriller opening, I had to make sure that the lighting which I was using was sufficient and made the scenes clear enough for the audience to see. As well as having a clear narrative so the audience can get a story-line as well as being able to entertain them. The shots which we planned to use for the final opening have to be clean and crisp , so they area focused and that it is clear what is going to happen in the thriller opening. As well as using a variety of shots to make it seen interesting.